Do You Serve Twice in Singles Pickleball?



Pickleball, a sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, has been gaining immense popularity. While many are familiar with the basics, there’s often confusion about serving rules in singles pickleball. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address common questions and clarify the serving rules in singles pickleball.

Understanding Pickleball Serving Rules

Pickleball is known for its unique serving regulations. However, it’s essential to differentiate between singles and doubles play, as the serving rules vary between these formats.

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Serving Rules in Doubles Pickleball

In doubles pickleball, serving follows a specific pattern:

  1. The serving team begins serving from the right-hand side of the court.
  2. The server must stand behind the baseline, within the service zone, which is defined by the two back lines and the two sidelines.
  3. The serve must be diagonal, crossing the net to the opponent’s service court. The server aims to land the serve in the non-volley zone on the opposite side.
  4. The first point is initiated by the serving team from the right-hand side. Afterward, the opposing team gets the opportunity to serve from the left-hand side.
  5. This pattern continues, with each team taking turns to serve from the right and left.

Serving Rules in Singles Pickleball

In singles pickleball, the serving rules are slightly different:

  1. The server starts serving from the right-hand side of the court, similar to doubles.
  2. The key distinction is that the server serves from the right only when their score is even (0, 2, 4, 6, etc.). Conversely, when the server’s score is odd (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.), they serve from the left-hand side.
  3. This rule adds a strategic element to singles pickleball, as the server must adjust their positioning depending on their score.


Q1: Can you serve twice in singles pickleball?

A1: No, you cannot serve twice in a row in singles pickleball. The scoring determines whether you serve from the right or left side, and it alternates with each point.

Q2: Do the serving rules change if you switch from singles to doubles in the middle of a game?

A2: No, the serving rules remain consistent throughout a game. Whether you start with singles or doubles, the rules for serving do not change mid-game.

Q3: What happens if you serve from the wrong side in singles pickleball?

A3: If you serve from the wrong side in singles pickleball, it’s considered a fault, and the opponent gains a point. It’s essential to pay close attention to your score to serve from the correct side.

Q4: Is there a specific service area in singles pickleball like in doubles?

 A4: Yes, in singles pickleball, there is a designated service zone that extends from the baseline to the non-volley line, just like in doubles. The key difference is the alternating serving sides.

Q5: Can you hit the ball anywhere in the service court during a serve in singles pickleball?

A5: No, during a serve in singles pickleball, the server must aim to land the ball in the service court diagonally across the net. The goal is to place the serve in the opponent’s service court, much like in doubles.

Q6: Do the serving rules differ based on the age or skill level of the players in singles pickleball?

A6: The serving rules in singles pickleball are consistent regardless of age or skill level. They are standard rules that apply to all players.


Understanding the serving rules in singles pickleball is crucial for enjoying the game and competing effectively. With the clarity provided in this guide, you can confidently step onto the court, knowing when and from where to serve, whether it’s a singles or doubles match. So, grab your paddle, get in position, and serve up an exciting game of pickleball.

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