Cat in apartment: 10 tips to educate him well and that he is happy

Cat in apartment


Contrary to popular belief, a cat can live in an apartment. This is obviously not the case for everyone, but unlike dogs, cats are like us, they have very different characters and their own desires. Some will enjoy the outdoors, the freedom of the outdoors and hunting; others will prefer to stay warm with you in a quiet and calm house.

Here are our 10 tips to help you better.

Tip # 1: We let him choose the rest area

Your cat will need dedicated spaces. Its environment being reduced, it must be structured, because small cats do not appreciate the disorder and the mixture of odors. Everything has its place and you must respect it or it will cause stress, worry and discomfort.

Offer him a pleasant, warm, reassuring and peaceful rest area. Let him choose the location that suits him best and adapt it accordingly. The cat appreciates the quiet spaces, sheltered from noise, passage and drafts to sleep.

Tip # 2: We distinguish the dining area and we opt for an adapted diet

Your cat should always have fresh water available and a diet suitable for indoor cats. This will help him to naturally eliminate the hairballs that form in his stomach. In addition, it is generally designed to be less caloric, because your cat cannot exercise outside; this will avoid being overweight. Always choose a affordable pet care store and quality diet and allow it to eat at any time of the day so as not to cause stress or anxiety.

Tip # 3: We don’t place the litter space anywhere!

Like us, the cat is modest; he does not like to be observed when he goes to the bathroom. Place the litter in a space away from noise and passage. And above all, do not install it near its dining and sleeping areas! The smell upsetting him, he risks abandoning his bowl or getting into the habit of making his needs elsewhere. Imagine if you had to eat or sleep in your toilet …

Tip # 4: Build hiding places and observation posts at heights

The cat loves to hide and stand high to observe the world around him while being perfectly peaceful. He likes to see without being seen. So allow him to have free access to certain fold-up spaces, on the top of he furniture or on the shelves. Create spaces cleared of trinkets and other objects so that he settles there quietly without risking breaking your precious goods. If you have the possibility of installing a small course, it will be even better!

Tip # 5: We promote the game!

The cat loves the game. Since he cannot go out hunting or having fun, the indoor cat needs to be stimulated in the apartment. Make sure they often have games and toys, some to keep them occupied alone, others to share with you. Do not hesitate to hang small balls or feathers on furniture, let it have fun with small accessories, etc. A simple cardboard box sometimes constitutes an ideal cabin with which the cat can play for several hours. Anything that can help him spend is welcome. Vary the toys so as not to let him get tired too quickly.

Tip # 6: We monitor their behavior

To make sure your cat enjoys apartment life, always pay attention to his behavior. If he is dirty, anxious, aggressive or if he changes his eating behavior (bulimia or anorexia), consult the veterinarian. A cat who walks quietly in the apartment with its tail in the air is happy and relaxed. Take care of their well-being and respect their expectations and act quickly in the event of an anomaly.

Tip # 7: Spend time while respecting your needs

The cat has rituals and its day is punctuated. It is an organized animal which can very easily be stressed at the slightest annoyance or the slightest change.

The indoor cat will need tranquility. When he isolates himself, when he washes, when he eats or when he sleeps, it is imperative not to disturb him. Even if he enjoys your company, the cat also needs moments of his own, away from others. For example, washing is a relaxing activity that helps regulate stress. So respect his need for tranquility and do not solicit him in this case.

Tip # 8: Establish the right rules and think of scratching posts

The cat needs to make its claws. In apartments, he does not have the possibility of using them naturally as do outdoor cats. Provide scratching posts to prevent it from spreading over the sofas or upholstery. A heavy and non-fragile mat (like an entrance mat) is also suitable for many tomcats who see it as a game.

Tip # 9: Don’t forget to vaccinate your cat!

Does an apartment cat need to be vaccinated, treated against parasites and dewormed? It is preferable ! In fact, even if your cat lives in an apartment, you will have to go out. However, feline viruses are very resistant and can be brought home with your shoes and clothes. The same goes for fleas and ticks that cling to you when you walk. Your cat can therefore be indirectly infected, get sick, be invaded by external parasites or even develop worms. It is therefore strongly advised to carry out an annual vaccination, which will be the occasion of an assessment of his state of health, a deworming every 3 to 6 months and a monthly antiparasitic treatment. Furthermore,

Tip # 10: We hunt for sources of danger

Your indoor cat avoids risks outside, but it remains exposed to the dangers of your home. Be vigilant at all times and remember to check that there is nothing at risk before you leave. Pay attention to the washing machine, the hobs, the oven left open, the curtain rods, the slats of the sofas and beds, the objects that it could swallow, the electric wires because some like to nibble them, the wires and strings that could strangle him, objects he can shred, open windows and balconies, etc.

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