Malaria is a life-threatening disease that is caused by parasites that have been transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected female mosquito. Malaria during pregnancy is a very significant public health problem, particularly in areas which are prone to high transmission rates. Malaria during pregnancy will pass significant element of risks to both the mother as well as the child because pregnant ladies will be much more susceptible to malaria due to changes in their immune system which makes them very vulnerable to the infection. So, consistently remaining in touch with the gynaecologist in Khammam will be very much recommended for the ladies and the following are the common risks of malaria during pregnancy:
Maternal anaemia: Malaria can easily cause the problem of maternal anaemia which is the lower element of red blood count cell in the blood stream of the mother which further will be leading to weakness and shortness of breath.
- Low birthweight: Malaria during pregnancy will lead to very low birth weight which is a significant element of risk for infant mortality and low birth weight infants will be more likely to experience respiratory problems based upon infection and distress syndrome.
- Pre-term delivery: Malaria during pregnancy will increase the chances of pre-term delivery which is the delivery before 37 weeks and all such babies will be increasingly at risk of respiratory disease syndrome, feeding difficulty and infection
- Neonatal death: This is another very common concern associated with malaria which can lead to stillbirth which is the delivery of the baby without any sign of life after 28 weeks of gestation. This can also increase the risk of neonatal death in which the death of the baby will be happening within the first 28 days of life.
Following are the most important tips that you need to take very seriously for preventing malaria during pregnancy:
- Using the insecticide treated bed net: The pregnant ladies must always focus on sleeping under the insecticide treated bed that every night so that there is no risk of being bitten by mosquitoes which are transmitted the malaria. This can be easily obtained through the local health clinic and non-government organisations or can be easily purchased from the local stores.
- It is important to wear long sleeve clothing and pants: The pregnant ladies must always focus on wearing the long sleeve clothing and pants to reduce the amount of exposed skin which the mosquitoes can bite.
- It is important to use insect repellent: Pregnant ladies are very much prone to malaria which is the main reason that using insect repellent on their skin and clothing will be very much important so that things are very well sorted out and there is no chance of any kind of problem. Before using any such products, consulting the best doctor for gynaecologist in Khammam will be very important so that things are sorted out.
- It is important to avoid outdoor activities: The pregnant ladies must also focus on avoiding outdoor activities during the peak mosquito hours which typically are from the evening to the early morning. In addition to this keeping the surrounding environment very neat and clean is also very important so that everybody can remove the standing water from their homes because it could be a breeding ground for the mosquitoes.
Some of the most common details you need to know about the diagnosis of malaria during pregnancy are:
- Going for the blood test: A drop of blood in this particular case will be taken and spread out on the microscopic slide. Sample later on will be examined for the parasite and this is a widely accepted standardised test for the diagnosis of malaria in pregnancy.
- Rapid diagnostic test: This will be detecting the malaria in the blood of the patient and however this will be followed up with the microscopic diagnosis to confirm the result and determine the number of red blood cells which have been infected.
- Detection of hemozoin: The presence of haemoglobin in the parasite will be resulting in the production of this particular thing and later on it can be detected by the LDMS or the polarised light. This will be helpful in improving their identification of the parasite into the blood range and will also be helpful in capturing the fluorescent properties of the hemozoin.
- PCR: This is a recent diagnostic testing tool which can be used for the molecular diagnosis of malaria. This is considered better in comparison to the rapid diagnostic test testing because it will be helpful in detecting the presence of the view parasites very successfully.
- Histological exam examination: This particular method will be considered to be more accurate than others in detecting the pregnancy material because it will be all about the exam examination of the tissue samples under the microscope and treatment is very easily possible through the pregnancy safe medication is available in the market.
Some of the common details you need to know about treating malaria during pregnancy as recommended by the paediatric oncology and the gynaecologist are explained as follows:
- Getting medical attention: The pregnant ladies will be experiencing the symptoms of malaria like fever, chills and body aches which is the main reason that seeking medical attention immediately is very important
- Going for anti-malaria medication: The choice of the anti-malaria medication as well as the duration of the treatment will be depending on the stage of pregnancy, intensity of the infection and type of malaria parasite which is present. Some such common medication’s which are pregnancy safe have to be taken by the patient but consulting the specialist before taking any medication is very much important to avoid any side-effects.
Hence, consistently remain remaining in touch with the doctors and every step throughout the process will be very much important so that everybody will be able to develop the perfect plan of prevention and treatment that will be tailored per your needs and further will be able to carry out the things in a very systematic approach. This will be helpful in promoting your good health very successfully and further will be contributing towards the well-being of the baby as well.
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