How to Prepare for Class 12 Maths?

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Mathematics is a subject which demands high focus and attention to learn, particularly when students are studying in Class 12. The concepts introduced in this Class are of high level, which will be continued in the graduation studies as well. Students are required to make their base strong in Maths before they step ahead for higher studies. By preparing for 12th Maths exam with these little efforts, they can easily acquire good marks, which will lead them to get well-recognised colleges or institutes.

By-heart Your Syllabus

Students must go through the latest syllabus as per prescribed by the conducting board/institutes. The crucial topics, such as calculus, symmetric matrix, etc., should be noted and learned first. Most of the questions are prepared from these topics and have more weightage in the exams. Create a table in which you can write the topic-wise marks and prepare for the exam accordingly.

Make Textbook Your First Guide

The first source of education should be your academic books which are guided by the concerned institutes. Students should practice the queries which are available in the textbooks. Also, learn from class notes which your maths tutors have provided. Books and notes help effectively to prepare for the exam.

Work on Question Papers

Students should consider working on previous year questions papers and Free Udemy Courses sample papers to get to know the question-pattern asked in the final exams. It will improve problem-solving capability and will help to increase the speed of writing the exam to manage timings.


Students should prepare for exams in such a way that they get enough time at least a month before the main exam to revise. Concepts such as the graphical representation of linear programming, vectors, etc., are easy to understand. But some concepts have to be revised repeatedly, to remember them. Thus, plan your studies accordingly.

Very Important topics

  • Integration
  • Differentiation
  • The Matrices and determinants
  • Relations and functions
  • The Probability
  • Limits

Most Important topics by marks

  • The Calculus 44 marks
  • The Vectors and 3-D Geometry – 17 marks
  • Algebra – 13 marks
  • Relations and functions and Probability – 11 marks each

Last Time Tips for Preparation

  • To score well in arithmetic in a CBSE test, it is critical to finish your NCERT book. Nearly the whole paper spins around the ideas given in your NCERT book.
  • Move to a reference book just if and when you are through with every single inquiry and you know every single inquiry (both, fathomed and unsolved) by-heart, given in your NCERT book. To pro the CBSE arithmetic test, you have to realize the NCERT book truly well.
  • A few recipes have certain principles that you have to pursue, so as to accurately utilize them. For example, so as to utilize the quadratic recipe, you should change the condition to standard quadratic structure first.
  • A few recipes are general and expect you to distinguish the parts in the issue that compare to parts in the equation. On the off chance that you don’t see how the equation functions and the guideline behind it, it can frequently be hard to utilize the recipe. For instance, while performing reconciliation, it isn’t hard to remember the recipe for combination by parts, in any case, in the event that you don’t see how to utilize this equation, you will discover the retained recipe of no utilization.

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