Best Practices to become SEO Expert

Best Practices to become SEO Expert


If a few years ago it became fashionable in Spain to be a Community Manager, and an endless number of companies of all kinds and conditions poked their heads into the job market looking to hire one, in recent times SEO experts are experiencing a surge in popularity.

Youtubers also make room, as new stars have been born in the digital marketing era and are stomping. We tell you who are the specialists in positioning more media websites, how they have become, what they do and what is cooked in their busy world.

How can I become an SEO expert?

When Spanish companies began to become aware of the importance of the Internet for their future, the axiom spread that “if you are not on the Internet, you do not exist”. Well, today it is not enough to exist. Now you have to be, yes, but as high as possible in the organic results of Google. That “magic” is what SEOs do.

Positioning in the Internet search engines does not have an official career and most of those who dedicate themselves to it learn in workshops and, above all, self-taught. The traditional trial-and-error method has been and continues to be the school of the most reputable SEO experts in Dubai right now.

And we say “it still is” and it is applicable for everyone, beginners or veterans, since it is a job that is undergoing incessant recycling and updating. What is white today can be black tomorrow (and we’ll talk about the famous “hats” soon…).

This was explained in a forum by Natzir Turrado, one of the most recognized SEO analysts in our country: “The problem in SEO is that it is perhaps more difficult to be an expert than in other fields, since it is something that changes every two times three( 890 algorithm changes in 2013 and only announced).

So, in my humble opinion, a good SEO is one that, in addition to SEO, is an expert in unlearning.”

Is it enough to hire an SEO consultant to position my website?

In the direction that Google has taken in recent years, SEO alone has no reason to exist. The most used search engine in the world is being refined more and more to offer the user the best results, the answers that best suit their questions.

This desire to prioritize quality content collides with some “traps” that were used and continue to be used by some SEOs to position, say “by force”, their websites or those of their clients. It is called “Black Hat SEO” (it was named after the association that in westerns the bad guys in the movie normally wore black hats).

If you want to get more info about these SEO strategies you can join an SEO community to stay up to date from Marketing techniques.

At the other extreme are those who advocate using only techniques that Google considers legal and healthy; They are the supporters of “White Hat SEO”(the good guys in the movie). And between each other, there is a wide range of grays through which those who travel the most and those who travel the least often.

SEO, one more part of online marketing

It is paradoxical that the moment of greatest public splendor for positioning experts comes when SEO itself is losing the weight it once had, as it is now part of a global online marketing strategy.

At this time there are many branches that emerge from the same tree (SEO, copywriting, inbound marketing, social media, audience analysis, mail marketing,…) and it seems impossible for a single person to become an authority on the subject in all they do.

Without a multidisciplinary team behind, anyone who sells you that is capable of taking on the entire task of running a website as a whole in an ideal way will be missing the truth, either in bad faith or ignorance.

How many SEO specialists are there really in Spain?

The figure is impossible to quantify, since nowadays anyone can baptize himself as an SEO guru. Many believe, hypnotized by the brilliant success of others, that setting up a blog and playing by ear with four basic notions is enough to be considered a specialist in the field. Nothing is further from reality.

As in many other professions, the best possibly live almost anonymously, working in silence and making no more noise than money entering their piggy banks. There are also some that, on the contrary, promote their visibility in a thousand and one ways to make a name for themselves in a market as emerging as it is close.

Whether from an agency or through a blog or a website, in Spain SEO consultants proliferate who cultivate their personal brand.

This is the case of Romuald Fons, who combines the address of his agency with his new SEO profile, youtuber and blogger. It was precisely he who shook the sector a few months ago with statements in which he attacked the typical SEO packages offered by those whom he describes as “STEGOsaurus”.

Who are the best Spanish SEOs?

Any list that is published listing the best SEO experts in Spain is always subjective and, as such, it usually generates heated debates in which sometimes even those included and those not mentioned participate.

As in all trades with a high level of competitiveness, in SEO there are opposing sides and even irreconcilable enemies. But, beware, not everything is bad. Egos and suspicions on the sidelines, examples of companionship, collaboration and healthy rivalry between many of them are also seen normally.

Without wishing to configure a ranking, much less, but to give some names, a visit to Google in search of prestigious SEOs in Spain will give us names such as those mentioned above, in addition to those of Dean Romero, Álex Navarro, Chuiso, Javier Gosende, Carlos Cano, Marcos Herrera or Xavier Viguer among others …

Increasingly SEO experts in the media

The media projection that many of these Spanish SEO experts are promoting responds to the success of the strategies of many of their American colleagues.

Names like Neil Patel, Rand Fishkin, Pat Flynn or Gary Vaynerchuk – although many of them are not pure SEOs but rather Internet entrepreneurs in a broad sense- have inspired our way forward: blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, conferences, talks, interviews…

All this public exhibition requires a professional preparation that, at least, leaves no doubt of the knowledge of the person who carries it out. These tests of strength are presented to the public as a demonstration of something as intangible as, a priori, the quality or effectiveness of an SEO expert.

And you, have you ever used an SEO expert? What was the result? Do you prefer the media or those who work in the shade?

Do you want to learn SEO?

If you want to recognize a Google expert, you should be able to verify that it follows the good practices to improve the indexing and access of your website by search engines.

An expert also knows, elaborates and uses tricks for Google products: Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Website Optimizer. A good search engine marketing, web positioning specialist and SEO expert for Google should know them.

To perform a correct search engine positioning you need an expert professional who knows in depth the keys to good positioning and who does not use fraudulent “tricks” that will ultimately harm the positioning of your website.

Above all, make sure that they give you references from their clients and check that the ones they mention as a guarantee are really the result of their work.

You can check that they have certainly positioned the web pages that they indicate you, looking at whether their website or the name of your company appears at the bottom of these.

There are many types of search engines in Google: Web pages, maps, products, images, videos, press, blogs, notes and books, forums and social networks.

Not only search engines but also applications such as Google Earth, Gmail or Google buzz that go one step further in Google’s objective of organizing information .

The Google brand is based on its philosophy

  1. Focus on the user and everything else will come.
  2. It is better to specialize in something and do it really well.
  3. Speed ​​is a safe value.
  4. Democracy on the Web works.
  5. You don’t have to be in your office to get an answer.
  6. Income can be earned by acting ethically.
  7. The information does not end.
  8. The need for information goes beyond all borders.
  9. It is possible to be professional without wearing a suit.
  10. We are not satisfied with excellent results.

Google’s principles are clear:

  1. Use of information to offer users valuable products and services.
  2. Product development that reflects strong advertising standards and practices.
  3. Collection of personal information in a transparent way.
  4. Offer of significant alternatives to users to protect their privacy.
  5. Responsible supervision of the stored information.

There are literally hundreds of factors that contribute to your final ranking. In addition to that, it can be difficult to determine what kind of trends Google can associate with the chosen keywords.


The work of an SEO specialist does not stop with a couple of adjustments to the website and some links spread over the Internet. Instead, the specialist has to be aware, constantly looking for trends like the ones mentioned above and finding new ways to maximize website traffic.

(And by “maximize” we don’t just mean increasing the numbers.)

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