Avoiding Spring time allergies

Avoiding Spring time allergies


Cities  of Pakistan, in recent years have been reported high on pollen count. Which has brought a lot of attention to the people who suffer from pollen allergies or low immunity. Likewise, Lahore is slowly gaining on the figures of pollen count and the Cantt area hosts the most count. The pollen during spring time is very common around the world as spring denotes the season of regrowth and colors.

Although pollen allergies are seasonal allergies, they can be very dramatic for the ones with weak immune systems. Other than the fact that these allergies can be avoided quite easily, but when the problem persists and could come to a dangerous level you should find the best ENT specialist in Lahore, to manage the allergy and find yourself a better strategy against it. 

How and why Pollen is the problem

The pollen in spring time is all around the air. When the pollen is in the air, it is easily inhaled by anyone. The problem isn’t inhaling pollen, it’s the body’s immune system that reacts differently then it should. Normally people don’t have any sort of symptoms against the pollen. However when a person with weak immunity inhales, the immune system starts taking precautionary measures. This in turn triggers histamines in the blood and gives reactionary symptoms which also triggers asthma. The main contributor for pollen in Lahore is the mulberry trees, the highest pollen producer. Then grass, mould and cannabis plants are the smaller contributors to pollen production.


The immune system releases histamine and as a reaction, a few symptoms occur, which are very well known to allergic people such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes and itchy eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Reddening of the eyes, baggy or swollen eyes
  • Nasal congestion, risking sinuses
  • Asthmatic reaction or difficulty in breathing

Simple prevention

The most easiest and simple preventions for any allergic reactions from pollen:

  • It would be best to stay home on dry, warm and windy days.
  • If you go out, wear sunglasses and masks to prevent pollen from entering.
  • Take a bath after going outside, it will wash off pollen on your body. 
  • Dry clothes inside lower pollen deposits on clothes.
  • And shut your windows, use vacuums and wet cloth for dusting.

Over the counter help

You can ease the symptoms, if they persist, from different medications. Such as:

  • Nasal decongestants
  • Nasal steroid sprays
  • Allergy shots
  • Antihistamines
  • Or combined antihistamines with decongestants

The medication can be avoided by simple irrigation techniques for nasal congestion or through some natural remedies.

Natural Remedies

The natural remedies are there to either prevent the symptoms or boost the immune system.

  • Flushing pollen from the nose by irrigation using neti pot or other things.
  • Eating aloe vera gel, a single spoon a day is said to boost the immune system, pineapple is also said to be good against difficulty in breathing.
  • Food with quercetin in it, quercetin has a range of health benefits. Food such as apples, cauliflower, broccoli, onions or cherries have quercetin in it.
  • Citrus fruits also have quercetin and are good for health otherwise.

The Takeaway

The spring is a season of flowers and blooming, but comes with various catches. Pollen being one of them. Which gives hard time to many people with weak immune systems. Although, getting away from pollen with a few tricks is easy but when the air around is full of them it can get a little rough around this time. It is always essential to have your immune system to be brought up at full potential. There are tons of natural ingredients that can boost and build a better immune system. Otherwise, you will need to go to your doctor a lot for help against it.

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