Mung Bean Sprouts Benefits & Preparation

Mung Bean Sprouts Benefits & Preparation


Mung bean sprouts are crispy & nutty tasting. They are also substantial enough in standing up to stir-frying. They are used on sandwiches & as raw in salads. They have B-vitamins, vitamins C &K, & fiber. They also are known for low calories.

Good Source of Vitamin K

The bacteria found in the large intestine are after making vitamin K. They are not enough in meeting your daily needs. But the mung bean sprouts are an essential source of vitamin K. One cup of raw sprouts that contain thirty-four micrograms would mean men get twenty-eight percent of the recommended daily intakes. Women also gain about thirty-seven percent.

In addition to that, vitamin K is needed in terms of blood clotting. It further regulates bone mineralization. It also helps maintain density levels in the bone. The vitamin-K protein also inhibits the building up of calcium in the blood vessels. This is enough in lowering the cardiovascular risk & disease. This is based on the research published in June of 2009. This is as issued by the Journal of Clinical Nutrition in America.

Good Source of Vitamin C

Consumption of 1 cup raw mung bean sprouts is enough in delivering fourteen-milligrams of vitamin-C. It is recommended for men to consume ninety-milligrams of vitamin C daily. Women should also get seventy-five milligrams. Now the vitamin C obtained safeguards the cells from free radicals. The free radicals now develop as a byproduct of the biochemical processes. Vitamin C helps strengthen and support cartilage, skin, & organs.

Good Source of Folate

Increase your intake of mung bean sprouts by sixteen-percent. This is the recommended daily intake to have sufficient folate. It helps avoid brain & spinal cord defects. These defects often occur in the first twenty-eight pregnancy days. Folate is an essential B-vitamin essential in creating DNA. It also is after producing & maintaining newer cells. Thus, healthy red blood cells are then made.

Good Source of Iron

Since ninety-percent of the iron is retained & reused in the body, it’s when you need to consume still more iron-enriched foods. Men should get eight-milligrams of iron as part of their daily diet. Women also need eighteen-milligrams of iron. Iron is after supporting the immune system. This way, it will facilitate the growth of cells regulating the immune response. With the daily intake of one cup of raw mung bean sprouts, men can gain twelve-percent while women can gain five-percent of iron.

Preparation Tips to Keep in Mind

Mung bean sprouts are enriched with fiber, protein, & vital nutrients. Sprouting just truly enhances its nutrition. But below are the preparation tips you need to keep in mind.

  • Clean the mung beans or green gram, discard stones, & debris.
  • Rub & then wash the mung bean sprouts in a lot of water. This is until then that the water has run clear. Rinse it off slightly in hot water.
  • Soak the mung bean sprouts in cooled & boiled or warm water. This is to say for about eight hours. Other varieties need an even longer soak. Wait until the skin on the bean sprouts is broken. This is the time that the bean begins sprouting. They also sprout on their own while still soaked.
  • Wash the mung bean sprouts in clean water. Drain them in a colander.

Mung bean sprouts in Thailand are so far popular. Cooking is one way to consume them. While this method may mean losing some of the nutrients, still it’s the easiest form of consuming them.

Now, you’ve learned more about the mung bean sprouts benefits & preparation!

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