What are FAQ Pages and their Importance for SEO

FAQ Pages and their Importance for SEO


Users and customers have frequently asked questions about what you sell or services you offer. That is why you should know what FAQ pages are and their importance for Digitalmarketing

What are the FAQ Pages

FAQs is the acronym for Frequently Asked Questions in English, An FAQ page is a very important section within business websites and online stores.

If you do not have a page on your website you are losing many benefits that it gives. Among them, it saves time on customer service calls, emails and chats on your website. This will help potential clients make the decision for themselves.

In short, a FAQ page is a list of frequently asked questions that people ask about a specific product or service.

Every website should have a series of pages, regardless of the business or type of store. Among them: About us, Contact, Privacy policy has to be on that list.

There are even businesses that have more than one page of FAQs. Since they need them because they offer different products and services.

It is a way of giving customer service, without having a person to do it directly. And it is a place to put all the information that your users might need when they interact with your site or buy products.

Why you Should have a FAQ Page

Apart from knowing what the FAQ pages are, you must understand the reasons why your website needs one. Voice searches are becoming more and more common. Google indicates that more than 20% of searches are of this type. So it is understood that people use increasingly simple and fast ways to get answers .

The content in FAQs can bring you traffic really interested in what you offer. This is why many business owners decide to have this page and optimize it as part of their content marketing strategy.

Some of the reasons for having these type of question and answer pages are:

  • It helps you to give answers to the doubts of your clients.
  • Attract potential customers and help them trust your business.
  • Improve your SEO ranking because Google appreciates that your website focuses on helping people. Later we will talk in detail about the SEO benefits of the FAQs page.

How to Make an FAQ page

To make a page of frequently asked questions, you must follow a series of steps:

Collect Relevant FAQs:

You must research and determine what are the questions that your customers ask most frequently about your services or products.

The support email or phone line you use for this will be very helpful. The employees who are in charge of these should know what are the questions they receive the most and will already have a script with the simple answers to them.

Online surveys can also be very helpful. This way you can identify the most difficult points for your audience.

On the other hand, the keyword search allows you to detect which words are used mostly to find you. Tools like Quora or Reddit will also tell you trending questions on a topic.

And of course, check out the competitor’s FAQ page.

Decide on the Organization of the Page

Not all businesses can have the FAQ page with the same structure. Depending on what you offer and the amount of products or services this may be a single page with the list of questions and answers, or several pages together.

If your FAQ page consists of several pages, it is important that you use the navigation bar. So that users can understand it and do not abandon it due to some confusion. In this case, each question usually leads to an article that answers it.

Design the FAQ page of your Website

Create the content. You must have clear and concise answers, a lot of text can be confusing. Write short paragraphs and get to the point.

If it’s a single page of questions, have a navigation table to make it easier to find the answers, use accordions. If there are several pages do not forget to include a search bar.

You can organize the questions by categories, so it will be easier to give them a certain order and for people to find what they are looking for.

Publish and Monitor the FAQ page

Once you have the page ready, you can publish it. Place a link to it in the main navigation menu or in the footer, so no matter where they are on your website, they can visit it if they have a problem.

Like everything on the web, the doubts of your clients can vary. Therefore, you must be aware of this and perform the first step to create the FAQs from time to time.

Update content as your business grows. For example, if you launch a new product you may need to add information about it.

SEO Importance of the FAQ Page

This FAQ page is very important for a number of reasons for your website. Among them, one of the most notable is that it helps with web positioning , because the FAQ page is like any other content page.

Since the FAQ section is another content page on your website, it must be well optimized. That is, not only be optimized for search engines but it must be made with users in mind.

Even this page can be the source for new content on your blog or on social media. Because depending on your audience and products, this list of frequently asked questions can lead to expand it at a deeper level with posts.

In general, one of the biggest benefits is that it creates brand awareness and promotes products. Since FAQs help increase visibility and improve your authority, you should use them.

FAQ Page Audit

The first thing to optimize an FAQ page on your website is to do an audit. This will enable you to see what really is working. So, you can identify faults or areas to improve.

Review aspects such as the structure, if it is convenient for you to be one page, with drop-down menus or if it serves better than several pages.

Also look at things like how many questions you can include; if they are very few, which ones should you add. See if you really have the questions the audience asks the most.

Analyze the quality of the responses. If they are long or short, if they respond well to doubts or not. See if they have photos or videos, and if not, consider whether they are necessary and appropriate to give better answers.

You could include a form on the FAQ page for people to write questions that are not included. As well as contact information.

Identifying the keywords your site is ranking for will be very important to continue optimizing the FAQ page.

You will be able to incorporate relevant keywords naturally on this page.

Use Structured Data for the FAQs Page

By adding structured data to your FAQ page it will gain more visibility in search engines. You will get a higher click-through rate and will stand out from the competition, because you can appear in the search results and as responses from the Google Assistant.

Since last year, Google has detailed in its blog the best practices for structured data for FAQs .

In this case it is key to understand the difference between the FAQs page and QA (Question and Answers) for Google’s structured data. The first ones are just for the FAQ pages or a product page that has information about themselves.

If you select this type of structured data, you will be able to appear in the drop-down menu below your website in the SERPs, with relevant questions and answers. It will also allow you to be eligible for responses in Google Assistant, which will help you position yourself for voice searches.

While structured data for Q&A is useful, when people contribute different types of answers and can vote for the best one. Quora style.

There is also a possibility to position yourself in Related Questions or Featured Snippets . All of this helps you get more customers and convert them.

FAQs and Google Assistant

Google indicates that the FAQ page gives people a list of frequently asked questions and answers on a particular topic. And they exemplify that one of ecommerce could give answers to where they can send, purchase, and return policies, among others.

So by using the FAQPage structured data, you could make your content eligible for those questions and answers to show up directly in Google Search and the Assistant, which will help users find answers to frequently asked questions.

Remember from Google that this is only for official questions and answers. Not for forums or other question pages.

The answers to the FAQs may appear in Google Assistant. If people ask direct questions, they will get the answers where you used structured data.

Google even has a FAQ report in Google Search Console that can help you by displaying any errors, warnings, or invalid items related to your question and answer pages.

Optimized Content Creation

While creating the content of your FAQ page you should think about SEO Community and the audience . It needs to be well organized, so that the user can easily find what they are looking for.

Your content has to be of help to users, so that they continue to use your website to purchase or what they were doing.

Frequently asked questions page provides simple answers to questions, users have when browsing your site or trying to make a transaction. One recommendation that many may overlook is that they should include the questions as part of the answer.

They should also include links that guide them to relevant pages on your website. For example, if the question is about your company, you can give a brief answer and take them to the page who we are or the one that tells the story of your company.

A well written FAQ page will allow you to get more traffic to a seo agency in uae if it is well optimized. You want each answer to be able to rank for a keyword.

Do not be afraid that this page is considered thin content, if you answer the frequently asked questions of your customers and help them, Google will know it.

Respond to Search Intent

The FAQ page is very useful for people who are already deep in the sales funnel, it is positioned for searches of these users. At this point the search intent includes words like compare, how or what.

If you improve your existing content thinking about this you could improve your positioning. FAQs can include calls to action and links to other content, this will help people convert and spend more time on your website.

Bookmark FAQ Pages With Structured Data

Before we mention how useful it is to use structured data for your FAQs section, as long as they are questions and answers that relate to a specific topic because this is what Google defines as a FAQs page.

We will discuss in detail the steps indicated by Google in broad strokes. You must first be familiar with how these and their applications work.

1. Add the required properties on your page.

2. Follow the guidelines for structured data in general, and for this type specifically:

A. In other words, use FAQPage only for these types of pages. We have already said that Google indicates that they should be frequently asked questions that the same creator of the site or product support answers.

B. They also indicate that you should not use this tag for advertising purposes.

C. Content that is obscene, profane, sexual, violent, promotes illegal or dangerous activities, or is hate or using harassing language will not be displayed as a rich result.

D. Apart from FAQPage, you can use Questions markup, for each question you answer.

Then validate the code using Google’s Rich Results Test tool. You can put the URL or the code. Remember to update your sitemap so that Google can track the new version of your website.

Knowing what FAQ pages are, will help you understand their importance for SEO specialist and how it can help you position these questions and answers in search engines, especially in Google. Remember to contact us if you need a web positioning strategy for your business.

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